Sometimes we impress ourselves.

Check out case studies of some of the work we have done to help our clients succeed as well as insider articles helping you know the latest trends in marketing.

Recent Case Studies

Case Study

How a simple lead gen focused landing page improved our client’s ROI by 145%

As marketers, your website is the first thing we look at before we start any kind of marketing efforts. We dive into how it’s performing, how easy it is to navigate as a customer, and ultimately is it set up for success of the business. When we first started working with our client, Challenger Teamwear, about 4 months ago, we noticed right away we needed to create a landing page that not only was easier to navigate as a customer, but provided opportunities to contact them and capture the leads information. If not, any money or marketing efforts we push there would be money down the drain.

In an effort to show them how quickly and easily this can be done, we immediately went to work on building out a simple lead gen landing page focused on attracting and converting leads. Adding in multiple opportunities to contact and capture a lead’s information through Hubspot forms.


This is where the fun began. We started to show how effective a customer driven landing page, with Hubspot form integration and some key marketing pushes, helped increase $29,448.73 in sales over 4 months. In total, this added up to 145% ROI for our client. 

The breakdown of what we did: 

  • Pushed $3k in paid dollars monthly to the new landing page
  • Created and scheduled 4 email blasts monthly linking out to the landing page
  • Created new social accounts (FB & IG), a content calendar each month, along with a linktree to link out to the new landing page

The end result after the first 4 months: 

    • Total $12,000 in ad spend over 4 months
  • 561 new leads
    • 33 new deals and 16 closed/won deals totaling in $29,448.73 worth of revenue
    • Investment gain: $17,448.73 
  • Total of 145% ROI

The above ultimately catapulted them into building off what we started and increasing marketing efforts: More landing pages specific to each sport they offer, FULL Hubspot integration for marketing and sales as well as additional campaigns throughout holiday months to capitalize on sale opportunities. 

Additional Campaign efforts included: 

    • Year End Clearance Landing page with over 250 products from Under Armour & Adidas and a 2 email/social push over a one week period
  • Over $2,900 in sales on the first day 
    • Black Friday Spiritwear sale which included 2 emails/social to each Organization’s pages plus a digital flyer with QR code for the Organization to push out on their end. All over a one week period
  • Over $2,000 in sales 


And this is just the beginning! We are only 4 months into the relationship, and have no doubt that this will continue to improve and increase revenue for their company. Hello happy client!

If you are looking to improve your ROI, and don’t know where to start, we can help.

Case Study

IOI Leads Successful Two-Minute Drill For Under Armour Flag Football

Hurry-up offense drives massive increase in leads for flag football giant

This wasn’t a ‘Hail Mary’ or some unlikely 28-3 Super Bowl comeback. This was a calculated, hurry-up offense that we knew would drive our client downfield and get them into scoring position.  In other words, a good old campaign sprint to make an immediate impact.

On a Wednesday morning, we brought the entire IOI team together to draw up a game plan and brainstorm for a new client. Fifteen sets of eyes, ears & brains is always better than one. We had strategists, account managers, web designers, content creators, and everyone in between, sharing ideas on ways to have an immediate impact for our client. By that Friday afternoon, a new landing page was built, ad creative dialed in, and a bullet-proof paid media plan ready to rock.

Five days into the campaign, and we’ve secured more than 450 leads for UA Flag Football while improving their cost per lead by 83%. Here’s how we did it:

First things first, we set up a new website that was built to attract and convert leads. This was more than a facelift – we built off the powerful brand image and alore of the Under Armour name, we took a mobile-first approach to design knowing that paid media was the driver of our traffic. We then formed a CTA strategy with scrolling buttons and strategic form placement that would help us capture the right information from the right candidates. While our webdev team built the landing page, our account manager led a HubSpot onboarding session to get the client up to speed on their shiny new CRM- a first for the business.

At the same time, our creative team worked on utilizing Under Armour’s asset library to create social media ads that would appeal to prospective league operators. We produced thumb-stopping ads with photo and B-roll video assets and crafted resolute copy that was guaranteed to draw in prospective league operators.

With a new landing page, CRM in place and ad creative ready to go, our paid media team leveraged their decades of industry experience to pinpoint our target audience. The great news here is that we had a baseline of performance from their last effort, you know without IOI on their sideline.

The results? Our traffic ads are seeing 11 cents per landing page view and we’re averaging two bucks a lead, (waaaaay) down from the twenty-five dollar cost per lead the client had last year.

“Look, everyone knows I love to compete, and this project was no exception,” said Jared Antista, Founder of IOI Ventures and Offensive Coordinator on the Under Armour project. “This client was a prospective partner for IOI that I’ve had my eyes on from the start and I refused to drop the ball on it.”

“The IOI Team has been a super-responsive and professional group that conducts business with a sense of urgency,” said John Kaelo COO of UA Flag Football. “This approach has allowed a quick activation on social media that has produced positive results within hours.”

Adam Van Rees, Partner of the UA Flag Football reiterated Kaleo’s statement.

“The entire staff has the expertise we were looking for to quickly launch a digital campaign with specific initiatives for sourcing new League Operators,” said Van Rees. “Two days after going live we had more than 250 leads in our new CRM!”

So what’s next for IOI and Under Armour Flag Football? In two words: Expansion & Optimization. The opportunity to collaborate on new lines of UA business, including team and equipment apparel sales are now on the table. And don’t think, we are happy with our $2 leads, we’re always optimizing ad spend and finding new tricks to get in front of the right audience that is primed for closing.

“The real foundation of our new client growth is built on current client performance. If we do right by our clients – if we care about their goals and truly collaborate internally and externally as a team, the next client often comes to us because of our approach. In fact, our outbound sales or client prospecting is interest based only at this point. Meaning, we might want a ski resort partner or university on our roster so we’ll go get one, but 95% of our sales are coming to us.”  says, Antista.

Recent Articles

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Client QA Session | St. John’s Northwestern Academies

At IOI Ventures we are committed to our clients’ success and helping small businesses win. We are goal driven, focused on details and always innovating new ways to work with our customers.

We could go on and on, but we think it’s better if you hear from one of our current clients, St. John’s Northwestern Academies, a boarding school in Wisconsin that has seen a 40 percent increase in enrollments and a 400 percent increase in social media reach since our partnership.

With that, we welcome Eric Sanchez, Director of Advancement at SJNA, one of the key decision makers and close partners in the success of the IOI and SJNA relationship.

Q: What challenges were SJNA facing that they needed to address with IOI’s help?

A: SJNA internal changes in recent years have led to the need to improve digital strategies. The vital partnership with IOI has immediately impacted multiple areas. By leveraging digital channels, like social media, HubSpot, and search engines, IOI has optimized the way our target audience can reach us and engage SJNA. They have also assisted in creating engaging content, optimizing the website, and using email campaigns to help us bridge our message with current and new audiences.

Q: What factors influenced your decision to side with IOI rather than a larger agency?

A: I have worked with a lot of large firms in the past. The relationship loses its personal touch, and you become just a number. Working with IOI and their team is the complete opposite. Personal attention and dedication are where they shine. We have formed a partnership, and Adam and Marisa have worked exceptionally with us.

Q: What immediate impacts did you notice from partnering with IOI?

A: IOI has made a strong impact with quick wins, and a strategic mindset that will lead towards SJNA’s long term success. For example, IOI and their team have immediately right sized/improved our digital and social media strategies, modernized our website, connected our core community of constituents, and introduced new users to our website and school. 

Q: How satisfied were you with choosing IOI compared to previous agencies you may have worked with?

A: There is no comparison. IOI is a true partnership with an exceptional team of professionals. I could not be more enthused about working with them.

Q: What would you tell or recommend to a prospective business about your experience with IOI?

A: I highly recommend IOI for its outstanding customer service, knowledgeable team, and vision of partnership and success.

To learn more about how IOI Ventures can help you take your business to the next level, click here:

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What Does Success Look Like

What Does Success Look Like

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, success is not a one-size-fits-all concept. At IOI Ventures, we understand that each client’s vision of success is unique, and our approach to achieving it is just as personalized. Our strategy, “What Does Success Look Like?”, is designed to align our marketing efforts with your specific business goals and objectives.

Understanding Client Goals:

Effective digital marketing starts with a clear understanding of our clients’ aspirations. Through in-depth discussions, we delve into what each business aims to achieve, allowing us to craft strategies that are not only cutting-edge but also perfectly aligned with individual visions.

Analyzing and Reporting on Analytics:

At the core of our strategy is a strong emphasis on data. Regular analysis and detailed reports keep us and our clients informed on the progress, facilitating adjustments to strategies as necessary. This approach ensures that every campaign is underpinned by robust data, optimizing outcomes.

Establishing Marketing KPIs:

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) serve as our navigational tools. Setting specific, measurable KPIs provides a framework for accountability and growth. From enhancing website traffic to boosting conversion rates and customer engagement, these KPIs keep our strategies focused and results-driven.

Additional Metrics for Gauging Progress:

Customer Engagement and Feedback:

  • Understanding audience reactions and interactions offers valuable insights. We monitor social media activity, comments, shares, and direct feedback to better comprehend customer preferences and behaviors.

ROI Analysis:

  • Evaluating the return on investment is pivotal. We assess the financial efficiency of our campaigns against the revenue they generate, ensuring our clients receive optimal value from their marketing investments.

Brand Awareness and Reach:

  • Expanding brand visibility is a key metric. We track search engine rankings, brand mentions, and social media followers to measure the impact of our branding efforts.

Conversion Rates:

  • A vital aspect of our strategy is turning visitors into customers. Focusing on conversion rates helps us refine our tactics for driving sales or specific actions.

Long-Term Client Relationships:

  • At IOI Ventures, enduring client partnerships is a hallmark of our approach. Sustained collaborations are a sign of trust and satisfaction with our services, indicating mutual growth and achievement.


IOI Ventures is more than a digital marketing agency; we are a strategic partner committed to realizing your business goals. Our approach goes beyond mere metrics, focusing on creating strategies that resonate with unique client objectives and leveraging informed decisions for continued growth and strong, lasting relationships.

What to learn more about how IOI Ventures can help your business grow? Connect with us here


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Tapping into Trending Holiday Topics for Your Social Media Content

In the world of social media, staying current and engaging with your audience means tapping into trending holiday topics. Whether it’s Halloween, Thanksgiving, or even National Donut Day, there’s always a holiday around the corner to provide fresh opportunities for content creation. Here are a handful of ways to make the most out of trending holiday topics to boost your social media presence: 


Early Bird Gets the Worm

The first rule of capitalizing on trending holiday topics is to start planning your content well in advance. Keep a well-organized content calendar that highlights upcoming holidays and events relevant to your audience. This ensures you have time to plan and create content well in advance. Early engagement can build anticipation and excitement among your followers.


Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience’s preferences and interests is paramount. Different holidays resonate differently with various demographics. Make sure you research what holidays matter most to your followers, be inclusive, and align your content accordingly. You don’t want to ruffle feathers or have your account suspended. 


Monitor Trends

Stay up-to-date with current trends and conversations surrounding the holiday. Follow relevant hashtags, join relevant social media groups, and pay attention to what influencers in your niche are doing. This will help you identify the trending topics, challenges, and conversations to engage with in your holiday-themed content.


Create Valuable and Relevant Content

Don’t just jump on the holiday bandwagon for the sake of it. Ensure your content provides value to your audience and is relevant to the holiday. If it’s Thanksgiving, offer cooking tips or share stories of gratitude. If it’s Halloween, create spooky DIY tutorials or share costume ideas. By providing valuable content, you’re more likely to engage and retain your audience.


Utilize User-Generated Content

Encourage your followers to contribute to your holiday content by sharing their experiences, stories, or creations related to the holiday. User-generated content not only boosts engagement but also creates a sense of community and trust around your brand. For example, you can run a Halloween-themed contest or challenge where your followers can submit their own spooky creations. Share and celebrate the best entries on your social media channels to build a sense of community.


Host Holiday-Themed Contests and Giveaways

Kickstart the holiday season with a jolt of excitement and festive engagement. Hosting contests or giveaways infused with holiday themes is a brilliant strategy to immerse your audience in the joyous spirit of the season! 


Encourage your followers to take part in fun challenges or friendly competitions, all while dangling tempting holiday-themed prizes as delightful incentives.  Whether it’s wickedly cool Halloween merchandise, generous discount codes, or the promise of exclusive content, these giveaways can work their magic and create buzz across your social media channels.


Be Visual and Creative

People are drawn to eye-catching visuals and creative content. Use high-quality images, videos, infographics, and other multimedia elements to make your holiday content stand out. Experiment with creative storytelling techniques and interactive content formats like polls, quizzes, and live streams to engage your audience.


Leverage Holiday Hashtags

Hashtags are your ticket to reaching a broader audience interested in the holiday. Research and use relevant holiday-themed hashtags in your posts to increase discoverability. Popular Halloween-related hashtags like #Halloween, #SpookySeason, or #TrickOrTreat can help expand your reach.


Stay Authentic

While it’s important to align your content with holiday themes, remember to stay true to your brand’s identity. Authenticity resonates with audiences. If your content feels forced or unrelated to your brand, it can turn off followers.


Tapping into trending holiday topics for your social media content is a dynamic and rewarding strategy. By planning ahead, understanding your audience, monitoring trends, creating valuable content, encouraging user-generated content, hosting contests, being creative, and using relevant hashtags, you can boost your engagement and keep your audience coming back for more. So, start planning your holiday-themed content and join the conversation on social media today! Not sure where to begin? Get in touch with our team here and we can help you out! 


IOI Insider

Constructing an Email Newsletter That Drives Clicks: A Small Business Owner’s Guide

In today’s fast-paced digital world, email marketing remains a powerful tool for small business owners to engage with their audience, build relationships, and drive clicks. An effective email newsletter can help you connect with your customers, showcase your products or services, and ultimately boost your business. In this blog post, we will walk you through the essential steps for constructing an email newsletter that drives clicks, specifically tailored for small business owners.


Know Your Audience

Before you start crafting your email newsletter, it’s crucial to understand your audience. Who are your subscribers, and what are their interests, preferences, and pain points? Knowing your audience allows you to create content that resonates with them, increasing the chances of getting clicks.


Craft a Captivating Subject Line

Your subject line is the first thing your subscribers see, and it can make or break your email’s success. It should be engaging, concise, and give readers a reason to open the email. Consider using personalization and creating a sense of urgency or curiosity to entice your readers.


Create Valuable and Relevant Content

Your email newsletter’s content is the heart of your email marketing strategy. Ensure that the content is valuable, relevant, and informative. It should offer solutions to your audience’s problems or provide them with something they find interesting. You can include articles, videos, infographics, or product highlights.


Visual Appeal Matters

A visually appealing email newsletter is more likely to capture your readers’ attention. Use eye-catching images, a clean layout, and mobile-responsive design to ensure that your newsletter looks great on all devices. Consistency in branding and color schemes can help reinforce your business’s identity.


Use Call to Actions (CTAs)

The ultimate goal of your email newsletter is to drive clicks. To achieve this, strategically place call-to-action buttons within your content. These CTAs should be clear, action-oriented, and directly related to the content you’re offering. Whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” or “Get Started,” make sure they stand out.


Personalize Your Messages

Personalization can significantly boost your click-through rates. Address your subscribers by their first name, segment your email list based on their behavior and preferences, and tailor your content to their specific needs. The more personalized your emails are, the more engaged your audience will be.


Test and Optimize

Email marketing is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Regularly test different elements of your email newsletter, such as subject lines, content types, sending times, and CTAs. A/B testing allows you to identify what works best for your audience and make data-driven improvements.


Monitor and Analyze

To construct an email newsletter that drives clicks, you need to track its performance. Pay attention to key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates. Analyze this data to identify trends and make informed decisions about your email marketing strategy.


Keep Your Subscribers Engaged

Don’t just focus on acquiring new subscribers; make an effort to keep your existing ones engaged. Send relevant and valuable content consistently, and consider setting up automated email series to nurture relationships over time.


Comply with Regulations

Finally, it’s essential to follow email marketing regulations, such as the CAN-SPAM Act and GDPR. Ensure that your subscribers have opted in to receive your emails and provide an easy way for them to unsubscribe.


Creating an email newsletter that drives clicks is an invaluable asset for small business owners. It’s a cost-effective way to reach your target audience, build relationships, and promote your products or services. By understanding your audience, crafting engaging content, and using best practices, you can construct an email newsletter that not only drives clicks but also contributes to the growth and success of your small business.


IOI Insider

From Athlete to Coach: How Sports Shaped My Career as a Marketing Account Manager

Life often takes unexpected turns, and in my case, the journey from being an athlete and coach to a Marketing Account Manager has been nothing short of transformative. While it might seem like sports and marketing are worlds apart, the skills and lessons I learned on the field have profoundly influenced my professional life. In my short five months on the job, I’ve already seen so many instances where my experiences as an athlete and coach have helped me excel in my role as a Marketing Account Manager.


Goal-Oriented Mindset

In the world of sports, setting and achieving goals is fundamental. Whether it’s running a faster mile, hitting a certain number of home runs, or improving your shot, athletes constantly strive for improvement. This goal-oriented mindset directly translates to the world of marketing, where setting and achieving objectives is equally essential. As an account manager, I’ve learned to set clear, measurable goals for my team and clients, just as I did as an athlete. This mindset has not only helped me stay focused but also ensured that my marketing campaigns have a clear direction and purpose.


Teamwork and Collaboration

Team sports teach invaluable lessons about teamwork and collaboration. As a former athlete, I understand the significance of working together to achieve a common goal. This experience has been particularly beneficial in my role as an account manager, where cross-functional collaboration is often key to success. Whether it’s coordinating with graphic designers, content creators, or data analysts, my background in sports has taught me how to communicate effectively and leverage the strengths of each team member to achieve optimal results.


Resilience and Adaptability

Sports can be physically and mentally demanding, requiring athletes to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to changing circumstances. This resilience and adaptability are valuable traits in the fast-paced world of marketing. In my career, I’ve faced unexpected challenges and shifts in marketing trends, but my background in sports has helped me remain composed, pivot when necessary, and find innovative solutions to problems.


Leadership Skills

As both an athlete and coach, I’ve had the opportunity to develop leadership skills. Whether I was leading my team on the field or guiding fellow athletes as a coach, I learned how to inspire, motivate, and mentor others. These leadership skills have been indispensable in my role as an  account manager, where I provide guidance, direction, and support to team members in need. 


Time Management and Discipline

Athletes are often required to balance rigorous training schedules, competitions, and academic commitments. This demands excellent time management and discipline. These skills have carried over into my marketing career, where juggling multiple projects, meeting deadlines, and staying organized are essential. My ability to manage time effectively and stay disciplined has greatly contributed to my success in the marketing industry.


The journey from being an athlete and coach to a marketing account manager may seem like a leap, but the skills and lessons learned in the world of sports have been invaluable in my professional life. The goal-oriented mindset, teamwork and collaboration, resilience and adaptability, leadership skills, and time management and discipline acquired through sports have all played a significant role in shaping me into a successful marketing professional. So, whether you’re on the field or in the office, remember that the skills you acquire in one arena can often be transferred to another, helping you excel in unexpected ways.


Looking for a career change like I did? Visit to check out available positions.

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Embrace AI, Don’t Run From It: How HubSpot’s New AI Tools Can Change Your Business

It’s plain and simple: if your business isn’t using AI, you’re behind. Generative AI has caused a transformative shift for businesses everywhere, changing the way people work, shop, and buy. Before, the formula businesses used was “More Reps x More Tools x More Activities = More Sales”


AI is moving us away from that.


Now, the new formula businesses should be using is “Efficient Reps x Connected Tools x Right Activities = More Sales”


Businesses are eliminating repetitive tasks that once took time, money and deep expertise through AI-powered products to improve overall efficiency while greatly increasing effectiveness. As HubSpot recently wrapped up their annual conference, INBOUND 2023, they unveiled their newest AI developments and product releases on the horizon. We’ve taken the liberty of sifting through some of the largest developments and summarizing them below so you can get just as excited as we are for these to start rolling out.


Marketing Hub Product Launches


Content Assistant – Generate content across social media, emails, SMS messaging and more with HubSpot’s AI Content Assistant. Type a prompt, get a result in seconds.


Image Generation – Need a graphic for a social post or landing page? Use HubSpot’s Image Generation tool to quickly create and edit graphics for your business.


Sales Hub Product Launches


AI Sales Forecasting – Get thoughtful insights on your sales pipelines and performance so you can make the right decisions at the right moments.


Content Assistant – Not just for marketing, the content assistant can help write sales emails in Gmail, Outlook or on Mobile devices to ensure your email has the right tone and actions to get your leads to take the next step.


Service Hub Product Launches


AI Chatbots – We’ve all been stuck in a phone tree where we just want to speak to someone, but are caught in a horrible loop speaking to an automated voice system. HubSpot’s AI Chatbot isn’t like that. This chatbot tool will automatically pull resources from your site depending on what is being asked of the lead, but can also quickly route conversations over to a representative if the question isn’t asked in time. Prevent the easy questions from taking up your team’s time, and ensure that time is spent answering the difficult ones.


Content Assistant – Trying to figure out how to respond to an aggravated customer? HubSpot’s Content Assistant can save the day again with thoughtful messaging that keeps your customers happy and responses timely. Not only that, but you can begin to quickly build a Knowledge Base through Content Assistant that can work in tandem with the AI Chatbot to pull helpful articles to point your contacts in the right direction.


CMS Hub Product Launches


AI Website Builder – Wishing you could build a landing page in seconds by typing “Build me a landing page about a youth soccer organization with a contact us page that has a form asking for first name, last name, email and phone number?” HubSpot’s AI Website Builder can do that.


Content Assistant – You get the idea, the Content Assistant is a powerful tool that can be used across any Hub in HubSpot. Write landing page and blog content in seconds, write meta descriptions in seconds – the power is yours (sort of).


Wrap It Up


As you can see, HubSpot’s Generative AI tools are something your business should be excited about, not afraid of. Utilizing these powerful tools is meant to save your business time and money while your team is focusing on the important things that help your business grow. If you really don’t know where to start, aren’t using HubSpot, or just want to chat about the growth of Artificial Intelligence and the impact it has on the world today, fill out the form and we’ll reach out. We’re looking forward to seeing what we can create together!


IOI Insider

Using AI to Help Improve Your SEO

We’ve emphasized the importance of SEO in the past, and today, we’re going to dive even deeper to demonstrate how AI can simplify your life.


SEO and blog entries stand out as two of the most important tools for boosting your online visibility. According to, “70 million blog posts are published every month, with an astounding 42% of the web relying on WordPress alone. These numbers  underline the impact of blogging in modern marketing strategies.”


We’re well aware that optimizing your SEO can sometimes feel like a daunting and time-consuming task that often gets relegated to the bottom of your to-do list. 

However, using AI can make this process significantly smoother.  Here are a few ways we have found that AI can help you to improve your blog writing process:


Keyword Search:

Blogs provide a platform for strategically incorporating keywords pertinent to your industry, products, or services. AI can help you pinpoint the most effective keywords, giving your content a competitive edge


Streamline Content Creation:

Writer’s block? No problem. AI can effortlessly generate engaging and relevant content, ensuring your blog appeals to your audience.


Scheduling and Automation:

AI can be used for more than content creation; it’s also a reliable scheduler. It can help you plan and automate your blog entries, guaranteeing that your website always serves up the freshest and most relevant content.


While AI can help improve efficiency in your blog entries, it should never be solely relied upon.  Although it’s magical how easy it is to take advantage of the powers of AI, it is still in the learning stages. Make sure to always fact check, add in your brand voice and tone, and edit and review any content you put out in a digital space.  


By embracing AI for your blog entries, you’re not just saving time; you’re also elevating the quality and relevance of your content. Whether you’re a business owner or a content creator, taking advantage of AI to enhance your SEO strategy through blog entries will certainly help you stand out in the digital world. 


Need help with your SEO strategy? Let us lend a hand!

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Score Big with Engaging Blog Content: Unleash the Power of Youth Sports Programs!

As a youth sports program, creating engaging blog content can help you connect with your audience and build your brand. By providing valuable information, highlighting your program’s accomplishments, and sharing stories from your participants and staff, you can create content that resonates with your audience and inspires them to get involved. In this blog post, we’ll explore tips for creating engaging blog content for youth sports programs.


Know Your Audience

The first step in creating engaging blog content is to know your audience. Understanding their interests, needs, and preferences will help you create content that resonates with them for a better user experience. Take the time to research your audience and create buyer personas that represent the different types of people who might be interested in your program. Use these personas to guide your content creation and ensure that your blog posts are relevant and interesting to your audience.


Provide Valuable Information

One of the key ways to engage your audience is to provide valuable information that they can use. This can include tips for improving skills, advice for parents on how to support their children in sports, or insights into the latest trends and developments in youth sports. Make sure your blog posts are well-researched and provide information that is both accurate and useful. Using keywords and SEO will also give your post a better chance at appearing at the top of the search. Using your basic link-building, on-page elements, and SEO optimization will help increase the online visibility of your post.


Highlight Accomplishments

Another way to engage your audience is to highlight your program’s accomplishments. This can include stories about the individual triumphs of your participants, or updates on your program’s standings in tournaments or competitions. By sharing these stories, you can inspire your audience and show them the value of your program with real-world highlights.


Share Stories from Participants and Staff

Sharing stories from your participants and staff can also help you create engaging blog content. This can include interviews with coaches or players, or profiles of participants who have overcome obstacles or achieved success. By sharing these stories, you can help your audience connect with your program on a more personal level and create a sense of community.


Use Engaging Visuals

Finally, using engaging visuals can help you create blog content that is both interesting and memorable. This can include photos of your program in action, infographics that illustrate key points, or videos that showcase your program’s accomplishments or training resources. Make sure your visuals are high-quality and relevant to your content, and use them to break up text and create a visually appealing layout.


Examples of Engaging Blog Content for Youth Sports Programs

To see these tips in action, take a look at some examples of engaging blog content for youth sports programs. The Positive Coaching Alliance, for example, has a blog that provides valuable information for coaches, parents, and athletes, as well as inspiring stories from youth sports programs across the country. Another example is the blog from the National Alliance for Youth Sports, which provides insights into the latest trends and developments in youth sports, as well as tips for parents and coaches.

Creating engaging blog content is an important part of building a successful youth sports program and is very cost-effective. By understanding your audience, providing valuable information, highlighting your program’s accomplishments, sharing stories from your participants and staff, and using engaging visuals, you can create content that resonates with your audience and inspires them to get involved. Use these tips to create blog posts that are interesting, informative, and memorable.

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Client QA Session | St. John’s Northwestern Academies

At IOI Ventures we are committed to our clients’ success and helping small businesses win. We are goal driven, focused on details and always innovating new ways to work with our customers.

We could go on and on, but we think it’s better if you hear from one of our current clients, St. John’s Northwestern Academies, a boarding school in Wisconsin that has seen a 40 percent increase in enrollments and a 400 percent increase in social media reach since our partnership.

With that, we welcome Eric Sanchez, Director of Advancement at SJNA, one of the key decision makers and close partners in the success of the IOI and SJNA relationship.

Q: What challenges were SJNA facing that they needed to address with IOI’s help?

A: SJNA internal changes in recent years have led to the need to improve digital strategies. The vital partnership with IOI has immediately impacted multiple areas. By leveraging digital channels, like social media, HubSpot, and search engines, IOI has optimized the way our target audience can reach us and engage SJNA. They have also assisted in creating engaging content, optimizing the website, and using email campaigns to help us bridge our message with current and new audiences.

Q: What factors influenced your decision to side with IOI rather than a larger agency?

A: I have worked with a lot of large firms in the past. The relationship loses its personal touch, and you become just a number. Working with IOI and their team is the complete opposite. Personal attention and dedication are where they shine. We have formed a partnership, and Adam and Marisa have worked exceptionally with us.

Q: What immediate impacts did you notice from partnering with IOI?

A: IOI has made a strong impact with quick wins, and a strategic mindset that will lead towards SJNA’s long term success. For example, IOI and their team have immediately right sized/improved our digital and social media strategies, modernized our website, connected our core community of constituents, and introduced new users to our website and school. 

Q: How satisfied were you with choosing IOI compared to previous agencies you may have worked with?

A: There is no comparison. IOI is a true partnership with an exceptional team of professionals. I could not be more enthused about working with them.

Q: What would you tell or recommend to a prospective business about your experience with IOI?

A: I highly recommend IOI for its outstanding customer service, knowledgeable team, and vision of partnership and success.

To learn more about how IOI Ventures can help you take your business to the next level, click here:

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What Does Success Look Like

What Does Success Look Like

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, success is not a one-size-fits-all concept. At IOI Ventures, we understand that each client’s vision of success is unique, and our approach to achieving it is just as personalized. Our strategy, “What Does Success Look Like?”, is designed to align our marketing efforts with your specific business goals and objectives.

Understanding Client Goals:

Effective digital marketing starts with a clear understanding of our clients’ aspirations. Through in-depth discussions, we delve into what each business aims to achieve, allowing us to craft strategies that are not only cutting-edge but also perfectly aligned with individual visions.

Analyzing and Reporting on Analytics:

At the core of our strategy is a strong emphasis on data. Regular analysis and detailed reports keep us and our clients informed on the progress, facilitating adjustments to strategies as necessary. This approach ensures that every campaign is underpinned by robust data, optimizing outcomes.

Establishing Marketing KPIs:

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) serve as our navigational tools. Setting specific, measurable KPIs provides a framework for accountability and growth. From enhancing website traffic to boosting conversion rates and customer engagement, these KPIs keep our strategies focused and results-driven.

Additional Metrics for Gauging Progress:

Customer Engagement and Feedback:

  • Understanding audience reactions and interactions offers valuable insights. We monitor social media activity, comments, shares, and direct feedback to better comprehend customer preferences and behaviors.

ROI Analysis:

  • Evaluating the return on investment is pivotal. We assess the financial efficiency of our campaigns against the revenue they generate, ensuring our clients receive optimal value from their marketing investments.

Brand Awareness and Reach:

  • Expanding brand visibility is a key metric. We track search engine rankings, brand mentions, and social media followers to measure the impact of our branding efforts.

Conversion Rates:

  • A vital aspect of our strategy is turning visitors into customers. Focusing on conversion rates helps us refine our tactics for driving sales or specific actions.

Long-Term Client Relationships:

  • At IOI Ventures, enduring client partnerships is a hallmark of our approach. Sustained collaborations are a sign of trust and satisfaction with our services, indicating mutual growth and achievement.


IOI Ventures is more than a digital marketing agency; we are a strategic partner committed to realizing your business goals. Our approach goes beyond mere metrics, focusing on creating strategies that resonate with unique client objectives and leveraging informed decisions for continued growth and strong, lasting relationships.

What to learn more about how IOI Ventures can help your business grow? Connect with us here


IOI Insider

Tapping into Trending Holiday Topics for Your Social Media Content

In the world of social media, staying current and engaging with your audience means tapping into trending holiday topics. Whether it’s Halloween, Thanksgiving, or even National Donut Day, there’s always a holiday around the corner to provide fresh opportunities for content creation. Here are a handful of ways to make the most out of trending holiday topics to boost your social media presence: 


Early Bird Gets the Worm

The first rule of capitalizing on trending holiday topics is to start planning your content well in advance. Keep a well-organized content calendar that highlights upcoming holidays and events relevant to your audience. This ensures you have time to plan and create content well in advance. Early engagement can build anticipation and excitement among your followers.


Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience’s preferences and interests is paramount. Different holidays resonate differently with various demographics. Make sure you research what holidays matter most to your followers, be inclusive, and align your content accordingly. You don’t want to ruffle feathers or have your account suspended. 


Monitor Trends

Stay up-to-date with current trends and conversations surrounding the holiday. Follow relevant hashtags, join relevant social media groups, and pay attention to what influencers in your niche are doing. This will help you identify the trending topics, challenges, and conversations to engage with in your holiday-themed content.


Create Valuable and Relevant Content

Don’t just jump on the holiday bandwagon for the sake of it. Ensure your content provides value to your audience and is relevant to the holiday. If it’s Thanksgiving, offer cooking tips or share stories of gratitude. If it’s Halloween, create spooky DIY tutorials or share costume ideas. By providing valuable content, you’re more likely to engage and retain your audience.


Utilize User-Generated Content

Encourage your followers to contribute to your holiday content by sharing their experiences, stories, or creations related to the holiday. User-generated content not only boosts engagement but also creates a sense of community and trust around your brand. For example, you can run a Halloween-themed contest or challenge where your followers can submit their own spooky creations. Share and celebrate the best entries on your social media channels to build a sense of community.


Host Holiday-Themed Contests and Giveaways

Kickstart the holiday season with a jolt of excitement and festive engagement. Hosting contests or giveaways infused with holiday themes is a brilliant strategy to immerse your audience in the joyous spirit of the season! 


Encourage your followers to take part in fun challenges or friendly competitions, all while dangling tempting holiday-themed prizes as delightful incentives.  Whether it’s wickedly cool Halloween merchandise, generous discount codes, or the promise of exclusive content, these giveaways can work their magic and create buzz across your social media channels.


Be Visual and Creative

People are drawn to eye-catching visuals and creative content. Use high-quality images, videos, infographics, and other multimedia elements to make your holiday content stand out. Experiment with creative storytelling techniques and interactive content formats like polls, quizzes, and live streams to engage your audience.


Leverage Holiday Hashtags

Hashtags are your ticket to reaching a broader audience interested in the holiday. Research and use relevant holiday-themed hashtags in your posts to increase discoverability. Popular Halloween-related hashtags like #Halloween, #SpookySeason, or #TrickOrTreat can help expand your reach.


Stay Authentic

While it’s important to align your content with holiday themes, remember to stay true to your brand’s identity. Authenticity resonates with audiences. If your content feels forced or unrelated to your brand, it can turn off followers.


Tapping into trending holiday topics for your social media content is a dynamic and rewarding strategy. By planning ahead, understanding your audience, monitoring trends, creating valuable content, encouraging user-generated content, hosting contests, being creative, and using relevant hashtags, you can boost your engagement and keep your audience coming back for more. So, start planning your holiday-themed content and join the conversation on social media today! Not sure where to begin? Get in touch with our team here and we can help you out! 


IOI Insider

Constructing an Email Newsletter That Drives Clicks: A Small Business Owner’s Guide

In today’s fast-paced digital world, email marketing remains a powerful tool for small business owners to engage with their audience, build relationships, and drive clicks. An effective email newsletter can help you connect with your customers, showcase your products or services, and ultimately boost your business. In this blog post, we will walk you through the essential steps for constructing an email newsletter that drives clicks, specifically tailored for small business owners.


Know Your Audience

Before you start crafting your email newsletter, it’s crucial to understand your audience. Who are your subscribers, and what are their interests, preferences, and pain points? Knowing your audience allows you to create content that resonates with them, increasing the chances of getting clicks.


Craft a Captivating Subject Line

Your subject line is the first thing your subscribers see, and it can make or break your email’s success. It should be engaging, concise, and give readers a reason to open the email. Consider using personalization and creating a sense of urgency or curiosity to entice your readers.


Create Valuable and Relevant Content

Your email newsletter’s content is the heart of your email marketing strategy. Ensure that the content is valuable, relevant, and informative. It should offer solutions to your audience’s problems or provide them with something they find interesting. You can include articles, videos, infographics, or product highlights.


Visual Appeal Matters

A visually appealing email newsletter is more likely to capture your readers’ attention. Use eye-catching images, a clean layout, and mobile-responsive design to ensure that your newsletter looks great on all devices. Consistency in branding and color schemes can help reinforce your business’s identity.


Use Call to Actions (CTAs)

The ultimate goal of your email newsletter is to drive clicks. To achieve this, strategically place call-to-action buttons within your content. These CTAs should be clear, action-oriented, and directly related to the content you’re offering. Whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” or “Get Started,” make sure they stand out.


Personalize Your Messages

Personalization can significantly boost your click-through rates. Address your subscribers by their first name, segment your email list based on their behavior and preferences, and tailor your content to their specific needs. The more personalized your emails are, the more engaged your audience will be.


Test and Optimize

Email marketing is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Regularly test different elements of your email newsletter, such as subject lines, content types, sending times, and CTAs. A/B testing allows you to identify what works best for your audience and make data-driven improvements.


Monitor and Analyze

To construct an email newsletter that drives clicks, you need to track its performance. Pay attention to key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates. Analyze this data to identify trends and make informed decisions about your email marketing strategy.


Keep Your Subscribers Engaged

Don’t just focus on acquiring new subscribers; make an effort to keep your existing ones engaged. Send relevant and valuable content consistently, and consider setting up automated email series to nurture relationships over time.


Comply with Regulations

Finally, it’s essential to follow email marketing regulations, such as the CAN-SPAM Act and GDPR. Ensure that your subscribers have opted in to receive your emails and provide an easy way for them to unsubscribe.


Creating an email newsletter that drives clicks is an invaluable asset for small business owners. It’s a cost-effective way to reach your target audience, build relationships, and promote your products or services. By understanding your audience, crafting engaging content, and using best practices, you can construct an email newsletter that not only drives clicks but also contributes to the growth and success of your small business.


IOI Insider

From Athlete to Coach: How Sports Shaped My Career as a Marketing Account Manager

Life often takes unexpected turns, and in my case, the journey from being an athlete and coach to a Marketing Account Manager has been nothing short of transformative. While it might seem like sports and marketing are worlds apart, the skills and lessons I learned on the field have profoundly influenced my professional life. In my short five months on the job, I’ve already seen so many instances where my experiences as an athlete and coach have helped me excel in my role as a Marketing Account Manager.


Goal-Oriented Mindset

In the world of sports, setting and achieving goals is fundamental. Whether it’s running a faster mile, hitting a certain number of home runs, or improving your shot, athletes constantly strive for improvement. This goal-oriented mindset directly translates to the world of marketing, where setting and achieving objectives is equally essential. As an account manager, I’ve learned to set clear, measurable goals for my team and clients, just as I did as an athlete. This mindset has not only helped me stay focused but also ensured that my marketing campaigns have a clear direction and purpose.


Teamwork and Collaboration

Team sports teach invaluable lessons about teamwork and collaboration. As a former athlete, I understand the significance of working together to achieve a common goal. This experience has been particularly beneficial in my role as an account manager, where cross-functional collaboration is often key to success. Whether it’s coordinating with graphic designers, content creators, or data analysts, my background in sports has taught me how to communicate effectively and leverage the strengths of each team member to achieve optimal results.


Resilience and Adaptability

Sports can be physically and mentally demanding, requiring athletes to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to changing circumstances. This resilience and adaptability are valuable traits in the fast-paced world of marketing. In my career, I’ve faced unexpected challenges and shifts in marketing trends, but my background in sports has helped me remain composed, pivot when necessary, and find innovative solutions to problems.


Leadership Skills

As both an athlete and coach, I’ve had the opportunity to develop leadership skills. Whether I was leading my team on the field or guiding fellow athletes as a coach, I learned how to inspire, motivate, and mentor others. These leadership skills have been indispensable in my role as an  account manager, where I provide guidance, direction, and support to team members in need. 


Time Management and Discipline

Athletes are often required to balance rigorous training schedules, competitions, and academic commitments. This demands excellent time management and discipline. These skills have carried over into my marketing career, where juggling multiple projects, meeting deadlines, and staying organized are essential. My ability to manage time effectively and stay disciplined has greatly contributed to my success in the marketing industry.


The journey from being an athlete and coach to a marketing account manager may seem like a leap, but the skills and lessons learned in the world of sports have been invaluable in my professional life. The goal-oriented mindset, teamwork and collaboration, resilience and adaptability, leadership skills, and time management and discipline acquired through sports have all played a significant role in shaping me into a successful marketing professional. So, whether you’re on the field or in the office, remember that the skills you acquire in one arena can often be transferred to another, helping you excel in unexpected ways.


Looking for a career change like I did? Visit to check out available positions.

IOI Insider

Embrace AI, Don’t Run From It: How HubSpot’s New AI Tools Can Change Your Business

It’s plain and simple: if your business isn’t using AI, you’re behind. Generative AI has caused a transformative shift for businesses everywhere, changing the way people work, shop, and buy. Before, the formula businesses used was “More Reps x More Tools x More Activities = More Sales”


AI is moving us away from that.


Now, the new formula businesses should be using is “Efficient Reps x Connected Tools x Right Activities = More Sales”


Businesses are eliminating repetitive tasks that once took time, money and deep expertise through AI-powered products to improve overall efficiency while greatly increasing effectiveness. As HubSpot recently wrapped up their annual conference, INBOUND 2023, they unveiled their newest AI developments and product releases on the horizon. We’ve taken the liberty of sifting through some of the largest developments and summarizing them below so you can get just as excited as we are for these to start rolling out.


Marketing Hub Product Launches


Content Assistant – Generate content across social media, emails, SMS messaging and more with HubSpot’s AI Content Assistant. Type a prompt, get a result in seconds.


Image Generation – Need a graphic for a social post or landing page? Use HubSpot’s Image Generation tool to quickly create and edit graphics for your business.


Sales Hub Product Launches


AI Sales Forecasting – Get thoughtful insights on your sales pipelines and performance so you can make the right decisions at the right moments.


Content Assistant – Not just for marketing, the content assistant can help write sales emails in Gmail, Outlook or on Mobile devices to ensure your email has the right tone and actions to get your leads to take the next step.


Service Hub Product Launches


AI Chatbots – We’ve all been stuck in a phone tree where we just want to speak to someone, but are caught in a horrible loop speaking to an automated voice system. HubSpot’s AI Chatbot isn’t like that. This chatbot tool will automatically pull resources from your site depending on what is being asked of the lead, but can also quickly route conversations over to a representative if the question isn’t asked in time. Prevent the easy questions from taking up your team’s time, and ensure that time is spent answering the difficult ones.


Content Assistant – Trying to figure out how to respond to an aggravated customer? HubSpot’s Content Assistant can save the day again with thoughtful messaging that keeps your customers happy and responses timely. Not only that, but you can begin to quickly build a Knowledge Base through Content Assistant that can work in tandem with the AI Chatbot to pull helpful articles to point your contacts in the right direction.


CMS Hub Product Launches


AI Website Builder – Wishing you could build a landing page in seconds by typing “Build me a landing page about a youth soccer organization with a contact us page that has a form asking for first name, last name, email and phone number?” HubSpot’s AI Website Builder can do that.


Content Assistant – You get the idea, the Content Assistant is a powerful tool that can be used across any Hub in HubSpot. Write landing page and blog content in seconds, write meta descriptions in seconds – the power is yours (sort of).


Wrap It Up


As you can see, HubSpot’s Generative AI tools are something your business should be excited about, not afraid of. Utilizing these powerful tools is meant to save your business time and money while your team is focusing on the important things that help your business grow. If you really don’t know where to start, aren’t using HubSpot, or just want to chat about the growth of Artificial Intelligence and the impact it has on the world today, fill out the form and we’ll reach out. We’re looking forward to seeing what we can create together!


IOI Insider

Using AI to Help Improve Your SEO

We’ve emphasized the importance of SEO in the past, and today, we’re going to dive even deeper to demonstrate how AI can simplify your life.


SEO and blog entries stand out as two of the most important tools for boosting your online visibility. According to, “70 million blog posts are published every month, with an astounding 42% of the web relying on WordPress alone. These numbers  underline the impact of blogging in modern marketing strategies.”


We’re well aware that optimizing your SEO can sometimes feel like a daunting and time-consuming task that often gets relegated to the bottom of your to-do list. 

However, using AI can make this process significantly smoother.  Here are a few ways we have found that AI can help you to improve your blog writing process:


Keyword Search:

Blogs provide a platform for strategically incorporating keywords pertinent to your industry, products, or services. AI can help you pinpoint the most effective keywords, giving your content a competitive edge


Streamline Content Creation:

Writer’s block? No problem. AI can effortlessly generate engaging and relevant content, ensuring your blog appeals to your audience.


Scheduling and Automation:

AI can be used for more than content creation; it’s also a reliable scheduler. It can help you plan and automate your blog entries, guaranteeing that your website always serves up the freshest and most relevant content.


While AI can help improve efficiency in your blog entries, it should never be solely relied upon.  Although it’s magical how easy it is to take advantage of the powers of AI, it is still in the learning stages. Make sure to always fact check, add in your brand voice and tone, and edit and review any content you put out in a digital space.  


By embracing AI for your blog entries, you’re not just saving time; you’re also elevating the quality and relevance of your content. Whether you’re a business owner or a content creator, taking advantage of AI to enhance your SEO strategy through blog entries will certainly help you stand out in the digital world. 


Need help with your SEO strategy? Let us lend a hand!

IOI Insider

Score Big with Engaging Blog Content: Unleash the Power of Youth Sports Programs!

As a youth sports program, creating engaging blog content can help you connect with your audience and build your brand. By providing valuable information, highlighting your program’s accomplishments, and sharing stories from your participants and staff, you can create content that resonates with your audience and inspires them to get involved. In this blog post, we’ll explore tips for creating engaging blog content for youth sports programs.


Know Your Audience

The first step in creating engaging blog content is to know your audience. Understanding their interests, needs, and preferences will help you create content that resonates with them for a better user experience. Take the time to research your audience and create buyer personas that represent the different types of people who might be interested in your program. Use these personas to guide your content creation and ensure that your blog posts are relevant and interesting to your audience.


Provide Valuable Information

One of the key ways to engage your audience is to provide valuable information that they can use. This can include tips for improving skills, advice for parents on how to support their children in sports, or insights into the latest trends and developments in youth sports. Make sure your blog posts are well-researched and provide information that is both accurate and useful. Using keywords and SEO will also give your post a better chance at appearing at the top of the search. Using your basic link-building, on-page elements, and SEO optimization will help increase the online visibility of your post.


Highlight Accomplishments

Another way to engage your audience is to highlight your program’s accomplishments. This can include stories about the individual triumphs of your participants, or updates on your program’s standings in tournaments or competitions. By sharing these stories, you can inspire your audience and show them the value of your program with real-world highlights.


Share Stories from Participants and Staff

Sharing stories from your participants and staff can also help you create engaging blog content. This can include interviews with coaches or players, or profiles of participants who have overcome obstacles or achieved success. By sharing these stories, you can help your audience connect with your program on a more personal level and create a sense of community.


Use Engaging Visuals

Finally, using engaging visuals can help you create blog content that is both interesting and memorable. This can include photos of your program in action, infographics that illustrate key points, or videos that showcase your program’s accomplishments or training resources. Make sure your visuals are high-quality and relevant to your content, and use them to break up text and create a visually appealing layout.


Examples of Engaging Blog Content for Youth Sports Programs

To see these tips in action, take a look at some examples of engaging blog content for youth sports programs. The Positive Coaching Alliance, for example, has a blog that provides valuable information for coaches, parents, and athletes, as well as inspiring stories from youth sports programs across the country. Another example is the blog from the National Alliance for Youth Sports, which provides insights into the latest trends and developments in youth sports, as well as tips for parents and coaches.

Creating engaging blog content is an important part of building a successful youth sports program and is very cost-effective. By understanding your audience, providing valuable information, highlighting your program’s accomplishments, sharing stories from your participants and staff, and using engaging visuals, you can create content that resonates with your audience and inspires them to get involved. Use these tips to create blog posts that are interesting, informative, and memorable.

IOI Insider

From Sidelines to Screens: Enhance your Youth Sports Program with Dynamic Video Content

Video content has become increasingly popular in the digital marketing age, and there’s no doubt why. It is an effective tool for engaging audiences and conveying information in a way that is both memorable and entertaining. This is especially true for youth sports programs, where video content can help promote the program, provide valuable training resources, and showcase the skills and accomplishments of participants. We’ll explain why it’s valuable and provide some tips and tricks to utilize your video content creation. 

Promote Your Program

Video content is an effective way to promote your youth sports program to potential participants and families. You can create videos that showcase the highlights of your program, including game footage, testimonials from participants and families, and interviews with coaches and staff. This helps potential participants get a sense of what your program is all about and why they should choose it over others.

Provide Valuable Training Resources

Video content can also be a valuable resource for participants who want to improve their skills. You can create training videos that provide tips and techniques for improving performance, such as drills for building strength and speed, or strategies for improving team communication. These videos can be used by participants to supplement their training and improve their performance on the field.

Showcase Skills and Accomplishments

Video content can also be used to showcase the skills and accomplishments of participants. Highlight reels that showcase the best moments from games and tournaments, as well as individual accomplishments such as awards and honors are fan favorites in terms of user engagement. These videos can be shared on social media and on your website by using link-building to help promote your program and build excitement among participants and families. 

Tips for Creating Effective Video Content

So now that we showed you WHY incorporating this digital marketing strategy, creating engaging video content, and optimizing on-page elements can enhance your online visibility, attract more participants, and gain a competitive advantage in the youth sports industry. Let’s show you HOW. 

Keep it Short and Engaging

When creating video content, it’s important to keep it brief and engaging. Attention spans are short, so aim for videos that are no longer than a few minutes. Make sure your videos are visually appealing and use music and graphics to keep viewers engaged.

Plan Ahead

Before creating your video, take the time to plan ahead. Identify the message you want to convey and plan out the shots and scenes you’ll need to achieve that message. Consider using a storyboard or shot list to help organize your ideas.

Use High-Quality Equipment

The quality of your video can make a big difference in how it is received by your audience. Invest in high-quality equipment, including a good camera, microphone, and lighting, to ensure your videos look professional and enhance user experience while keeping it cost-effective.

Edit and Polish

Once you’ve captured your footage, take the time to edit and polish your video. Use video editing software to trim and cut footage, add transitions and special effects, and adjust the audio. Consider adding captions or subtitles to make your videos more accessible. 

Examples of Effective Video Content for Youth Sports Programs 

To see effective video content in action, take a look at some examples from youth sports programs. For example, the USA Volleyball program has a YouTube channel that includes training videos for coaches and players, as well as highlights from national team matches and tournaments. Another example is the Texas Youth Football Association, which has a YouTube channel that includes game highlights, interviews with coaches and players, and training videos for players and parents.

With the right approach and implementation, video content can be a valuable tool in digital marketing, providing an effective way to showcase your program, offer valuable training resources, and celebrate the achievements of your participants. By leveraging the power of video, you can take your youth sports program to the next level and make a lasting impression in the minds of your audience.

IOI Insider

The Journey from AthleteTrax System to HubSpot Payment Tool

In the fast-paced business world, staying up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies is not just a convenience; it’s a necessity! At IOI, we understand the importance of having a streamlined sales process for our clients. However, the journey to reach this point has been filled with challenges and learning experiences. Today, I want to share my experience transitioning from the AthleteTrax System to the HubSpot Payment tool and how it has revolutionized our client’s internal process.


The Old Way: AthleteTrax System

Before embracing HubSpot’s Payment tool, our client used AthleteTrax System for managing their Camp and Academy payments. While it served them well in some aspects, manually tracking payments in HubSpot became inconvenient and time-consuming for the sales team. Here are some of the challenges the sales team faced: 

  • Manual Entry: Entering the payment confirmation into HubSpot manually led to occasional errors and inconsistencies, consuming valuable time in corrections.
  • Lack of Integration: Without seamless integration between payment tracking and other sales functions, coordination among different departments suffered.
  • Limited Insight: Extracting insights and reports took a lot of work, hindering our ability to make quick, accurate, and informed decisions.
  • Adaptability Issues: As our client’s business grew, the manual process became increasingly inefficient, and scaling their operations came with complications.


The Turning Point: HubSpot Payment Tool

The decision to switch was driven by our need for a more efficient, streamlined process. We saw immediate improvements. Here are a few: 

  • Automated Payment Processing: Payments are processed automatically once clients provide information, reducing errors and freeing time for their accounting team.
  • Integrated Workflow: The Payment tool fully integrates with other HubSpot functionalities, ensuring smooth coordination across various departments.
  • Real-time Reporting: With just a few clicks, we can now access detailed reports and insights, enabling us to make better-informed business decisions.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: The smooth and secure payment process has improved customer experience, building trust and loyalty.
  • Ease of Scaling: The flexibility and efficiency of the HubSpot Payment tool has made scaling their operations a breeze.


A Brighter Future

Since implementing the HubSpot Payment tool, our client’s internal sales process has been transformed. Not only has it saved them time and reduced errors, but it has also empowered them with real-time reporting. 

The decision to move from AthleteTrax System to HubSpot was not taken lightly. But looking back, it’s clear it was the right choice for our client’s company. Our client has streamlined payment processing and aligned it with their internal sales workflows.

In a competitive business environment, the tools you use can make or break your success. If your company is facing similar challenges, consider evaluating your current payment processing system. The HubSpot Payment tool has been a game-changer for our clients and could be for you too! 

At IOI Ventures, we do not just love HubSpot’s Payment tool; we’re proud to be a HubSpot Gold Solutions Partner. This partnership allows us to leverage HubSpot’s cutting-edge technology for our internal processes and share our hands-on expertise with our clients. 

By aligning ourselves with HubSpot’s vision, we’re committed to driving innovation and providing tailored solutions that enhance efficiency and growth. Whether you’re looking to simplify your payment processing or seeking end-to-end sales solutions, IOI Ventures is here to guide you every step of the way. 

If you want to learn more about how HubSpot and HubSpot Payment Tools have empowered our client’s sales team, let IOI guide you and contact us!


IOI Insider

The Power of Email Marketing for Youth Sports Programs

Email marketing has become a popular tool for online marketing strategies in businesses and organizations across all industries. Youth sports programs are no exception, as email marketing can be an effective way to engage with participants, promote upcoming events, and provide program updates. Let’s explore the benefits of email marketing for youth sports programs and provide tips for creating effective email campaigns!


Why Email Marketing is Effective for Youth Sports Programs

 Email marketing allows youth sports programs to communicate directly with participants and their families as well as keeping your online presence strong. This can be particularly useful for promoting events and programs, as well as providing important updates such as schedule changes or weather-related cancellations. In addition, email marketing can help youth sports programs build a sense of community by keeping participants and families informed about the program’s activities and accomplishments.


Building an Email List

 To effectively use email marketing for youth sports programs, it’s important to build a strong email list that is cost-effective. Start by collecting email addresses from participants and their families during registration. You can also collect email addresses through your program’s website or social media channels. When collecting email addresses, be sure to ask for permission to send marketing emails and provide an option for recipients to opt out of future emails. By having a strong email list, you can create a competitive advantage over your opponents.


Types of Emails to Send

Several types of emails can be effective for youth sports programs. These include:

Newsletters: A regular newsletter can be a great way to keep participants and families informed about program news, upcoming events, and other relevant information.

 Event Invitations: Email invitations to upcoming events can help boost attendance and excitement. 

Program Updates: Email updates can keep participants and their families informed about any changes to the program, such as schedule changes or weather-related cancellations.

 Tips for Creating Effective Emails


When creating emails for your youth sports program, it’s important to keep in mind the following tips:

Keep it brief: Most people receive a lot of emails, so it’s important to keep your emails short and to the point.

Use clear and concise language: Use language that is easy to understand and avoid using jargon or technical terms.

Use visuals: Include images or videos in your emails to help grab recipients’ attention and convey your message. 

Include calls-to-action: Encourage recipients to take action, such as registering for an event or visiting your program’s website.

Keywords: When people are searching for a specific email, they will often use a keyword if the email gets lost in all the junk, so it is good to have a wide variety that will help your email go to the top of the search and help implement SEO.


Examples of Successful Email Marketing Campaigns for Youth Sports Programs

To see email marketing in action, look at some successful campaigns from youth sports programs. For example, a youth soccer program might send a monthly newsletter that includes updates on recent games and upcoming tournaments, as well as information on skill-building drills and nutrition tips. An email inviting families to attend a “family fun run” event might include a catchy subject line, fun graphics, and a clear call-to-action to register for the event. It is also good to incorporate backlinks and link-building in your emails. This will make it easier to navigate to another page or website. All these tips and tricks will create a better user experience.

Email marketing is versatile, fast, and EASY! If you use this tactic, chances are your business will bloom. 

IOI Insider

The Impact of the FIFA Women’s World Cup on Internet Searches for Soccer in the United States

The FIFA Women’s World Cup has become an influential sporting event that goes beyond the boundaries of the soccer pitch. With its widespread popularity and exceptional talent on display, the tournament has left a lasting impact on the sport’s growth in the United States. Let’s look at how it has impacted internet searches.

  1. Surge in Search Volume – According to Google Trends data, searches related to soccer in the United States experienced a substantial increase during the FIFA Women’s World Cup compared to previous years. The tournament’s occurrence led to a sharp rise in search volume, indicating a heightened interest in soccer-related topics across the nation.
  2. Regional Interest – Analyzing search data by region reveals intriguing insights into the geographic impact of the Women’s World Cup. Soccer has traditionally been more popular in certain states, but the tournament managed to pique the interest of regions less associated with the sport. States like California, New York, and Texas, which typically exhibit a high interest in soccer, witnessed a surge in search activity during the Women’s World Cup. Moreover, states with lower soccer interest, such as Utah, Oregon, and Wisconsin, experienced significant increases in soccer-related searches during the tournament, showcasing the event’s nationwide appeal.
  3. Rising Interest in Women’s Soccer – The FIFA Women’s World Cup has undoubtedly contributed to raising awareness and interest in women’s soccer. Google search trends indicate a notable spike in queries related to women’s soccer during the tournament. People searched for information about the players, schedules, match results, and even women’s soccer leagues and events beyond the World Cup. This surge highlights a shift in perception, with more people recognizing and appreciating the talent and achievements of female athletes in the sport.
  4. Player Searches – Individual players became breakout stars during the Women’s World Cup, and their exceptional performances led to increased search interest. Players like Megan Rapinoe, Alex Morgan, and Rose Lavelle saw a significant uptick in online searches during the tournament. Not only did fans seek information about their playing careers, but they also explored their off-field activities and advocacy efforts, further engaging with the sport and its personalities.
  5. Social Media Impact – Social media platforms played a vital role in driving internet searches related to the FIFA Women’s World Cup. Memorable moments, spectacular goals, and emotional celebrations spread like wildfire on social media, leading to higher search volumes as people sought more information and videos of these events. Additionally, hashtags related to the Women’s World Cup trended on platforms like Twitter and Instagram, encouraging fans to engage with the content and search for further soccer-related topics.
  6. Long-Term Impact on Youth Participation – One of the most significant impacts of the Women’s World Cup on internet searches is the potential long-term effect on youth soccer participation. As more children witnessed the excitement of the tournament and the achievements of their female role models, interest in playing soccer has likely grown. This interest might translate into more searches for local soccer clubs, training programs, and resources, as parents and children seek ways to get involved in the sport.

The statistics speak volumes about the FIFA Women’s World Cup’s impact on internet searches for soccer in the United States. The tournament has driven a surge in search volume, expanded interest in women’s soccer, and captivated the attention of regions less traditionally associated with the sport. Players have become household names, and social media has played a pivotal role in sparking curiosity and engagement. Moreover, the tournament’s influence may extend to long-term effects on youth participation, as a new generation of soccer enthusiasts emerges. With each Women’s World Cup, soccer’s presence and popularity in the United States continue to grow, solidifying the tournament’s status as a catalyst for change within the sporting landscape.

Want to capitalize on this increase in traffic? Talk to IOI about solutions for your team, club, or organization – including our SPECIAL OFFER on sports websites.

IOI Insider

Powering Up Your Performance: How We Used KPIs to Level up St. John’s Northwestern Academies’ Social Media

In the world of marketing, it’s no secret that there are a million acronyms that all seem equally important to remember. You’ve probably felt like you’re swimming in a hypothetical alphabet soup at times, but let us clear things up by telling you about one of the most important and influential acronyms and how IOI uses them to measure success for our clients.

KPI, or key performance indicator, is a type of performance measurement we use to evaluate the success of a campaign or specific project- in this case, social media. We use them to track the progress toward a specific marketing goal, understand the performance of social media posts, and make adjustments to achieve success.

We began managing all social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn) for St. John’s Northwestern Academies in April 2023. Prior to this, their onsite team managed the strategy, content planning, and posting across all channels.

We narrowed down the important KPIs that we wanted to focus on. This included post time and date, the format of the post, impressions (Instagram), reach, engagement, success rate, and follower growth. 

SJNA primarily posted content as it came in throughout the week, but never considered the content’s format, the time of day, or calls to action. Our goal was to increase engagement and reach by using content that would perform well and drive traffic to the website.

Three things we implemented in April that contributed to continual platform growth over the course of four months included:

  1. Tailored the content to meet the needs of our followers: We shifted the type of content that was posted from individual photos to photo/video carousels and reels. This led to an increase in engagement from 14.95% in April to 36.52% in just one month.
  2. Posted during time windows when followers were most active: After recording our posting times for one month, we discovered the times garnering the most engagement were between 10-11 am and 4-6 pm. Although the engagement growth is slow, it continues to be steady, increasing by an average of 10 engagements month over month.
  3. Audited current hashtags and adjusted based on reach: All hashtags can’t be winners and many people will argue that they don’t serve a purpose at all, but we beg to differ! By tracking the engagement on each post and following the analytics, we were able to see which hashtags performed well and which hashtags were underperforming. Utilizing highly engaged hashtags in future copy gave us the opportunity to reach and engage with potential followers while promoting SJNA’s brand.

In the past four months, we have increased the following on SJNA’s Instagram by 18% and LinkedIn by almost 7%. The success rate of our posts across channels also increased from 4.19% to 4.88% in one month.

KPIs can seem overwhelming and it takes time to see true growth in the metrics. To determine which KPIs you should be measuring, evaluate your business goals and objectives to narrow down the analytics that matters most to your progress.

Get started on the right track today and have IOI help grow your business. Get in touch with our team to see how we can help you KO the competition!

IOI Insider

How to make your webinars more engaging and interactive

An engaging webinar not only increases participation among your audience but leads to a better outcome overall. To make your webinars more interactive and valuable for your audience, consider implementing the following strategies:

Set clear goals: Define the objectives of your webinar and clearly communicate them to your audience. This will help participants understand what to expect and stay engaged throughout the session.

Know your audience: Research and understand your target audience’s interests, needs, and preferences. Tailor your content and delivery to meet their expectations, addressing their pain points and providing practical solutions.

Interactive content: Incorporate interactive elements such as polls, surveys, quizzes, and Q&A sessions. Encourage participants to share their opinions, ask questions, and play an active part in the webinar. This involvement fosters engagement and creates a two-way conversation.

Visual aids and multimedia: Utilize visually appealing slides, images, videos, and graphs to enhance your content. Visual aids help reinforce key points, break up monotony, and make the webinar more visually stimulating.

Engage with storytelling: Incorporate storytelling techniques to make your content relatable and memorable. Narrate relevant anecdotes, real-life examples, or case studies that resonate with your audience. Stories evoke emotions, capture attention, and facilitate better retention of information.

Collaborative activities: Encourage group activities or breakout sessions where participants can collaborate and share ideas with each other. This fosters a sense of community and allows attendees to learn from their peers, enhancing the overall value of the webinar.

Use interactive tools: Leverage interactive tools such as whiteboards, annotation features, or live chat to promote engagement. These tools enable participants to actively participate, ask questions, and provide feedback in real-time.

Time management: Plan and manage your webinar’s timing effectively. Structure your content into digestible segments with breaks in between to prevent information overload. Respect participants’ time by starting and ending the webinar on time.

Follow-up and resources: Provide additional resources, handouts, or links to relevant materials after the webinar. Follow up with participants through email or social media, addressing any unanswered questions or concerns. This post-webinar engagement reinforces the value of the session and encourages future participation.

Remember to continuously seek feedback from your audience to improve the quality of your webinars. Analyze participation metrics, conduct surveys, and engage in post-webinar discussions to gather insights and refine your approach.

Implementing these strategies will not only keep your audience involved and engaged but will contribute to the overall success of your webinar. Eager to learn more, get in touch with our team here

IOI Insider

The Power of Meta’s Threads: A Game-Changer for Business Promotion

In the fast-paced world of social media, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to promote their products and services effectively. As digital platforms evolve, Meta (formerly Facebook) has introduced an exciting feature called Threads, which provides businesses with a powerful tool for self-promotion. Let’s compare Meta’s Threads with Twitter and explore how businesses can leverage Threads to boost their online presence and engage with their target audience.

Before diving into their applications, let’s first understand the fundamental differences between Threads and Twitter.

Threads: Threads on Meta are essentially a series of connected posts that enable users to share longer-form content in a cohesive manner. They allow users to create engaging narratives by linking multiple posts together, maintaining the context throughout. Threads can include text, images, videos, and interactive elements, providing a rich and immersive experience for users.

Twitter: Twitter, on the other hand, is a microblogging platform known for its concise nature. With a character limit of 280, tweets are brief snippets of information that can include text, images, and videos. While Twitter provides real-time updates and encourages succinct communication, it often poses limitations on expressing comprehensive ideas or narratives due to its constrained format.

Now that we have a clear understanding of both platforms, let’s explore how businesses can effectively use Threads to promote themselves on Meta.

  1. Storytelling and Brand Narrative: Threads offer businesses a unique opportunity to craft compelling stories and share their brand narrative in a more comprehensive way. By linking multiple posts, businesses can take their audience on a journey, unveiling the layers of their brand, product features, success stories, or even behind-the-scenes content. This storytelling approach helps create a deeper connection with the audience, ultimately building brand loyalty and fostering engagement.
  2. Showcasing Products and Services: Threads can be an excellent avenue for businesses to showcase their products and services creatively. By utilizing a sequence of posts, businesses can present the key aspects and benefits of their offerings. Combining visuals, videos, and informative captions, Threads allow businesses to effectively demonstrate the value they bring to their customers, leading to increased interest and potential conversions.
  3. Interactive and Educational Content: Threads provide an interactive canvas for businesses to educate their audience. By breaking down complex topics into a series of posts, businesses can deliver bite-sized, easily digestible information. This format is particularly useful for tutorials, step-by-step guides, product demonstrations, or sharing industry insights. Interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and questions within Threads can also be leveraged to encourage user engagement and feedback.
  4. Engaging with the Audience: Threads open up new avenues for businesses to engage with their audience and build a community. By encouraging comments and discussions on individual posts within a Thread, businesses can cultivate meaningful interactions, respond to queries, and gather valuable feedback. The threaded nature of discussions allows for more organized conversations, making it easier for businesses to follow and address user comments.

As businesses strive to stay ahead in an ever-evolving digital landscape, it is crucial to adapt to new tools and features that enhance their online presence. Meta’s Threads offer a powerful and engaging way for businesses to promote themselves, enabling them to tell their brand story, showcase products, educate their audience, and foster community engagement. By leveraging the unique capabilities of Threads, businesses can create impactful content that resonates with their target audience, ultimately driving brand awareness, customer engagement, and business growth. So, whether you’re a small startup or a well-established brand, it’s time to explore the potential of Threads and unlock new opportunities for your business.

IOI Insider

The Power of Email Marketing for Youth Sports Programs

Email marketing has become a popular tool for online marketing strategies in businesses and organizations across all industries. Youth sports programs are no exception, as email marketing can be an effective way to engage with participants, promote upcoming events, and provide program updates. Let’s explore the benefits of email marketing for youth sports programs and provide tips for creating effective email campaigns!


Why Email Marketing is Effective for Youth Sports Programs

Email marketing allows youth sports programs to communicate directly with participants and their families as well as keeping your online presence strong. This can be particularly useful for promoting events and programs, as well as providing important updates such as schedule changes or weather-related cancellations. In addition, email marketing can help youth sports programs build a sense of community by keeping participants and families informed about the program’s activities and accomplishments.


Building an Email List

To effectively use email marketing for youth sports programs, it’s important to build a strong email list that is cost-effective. Start by collecting email addresses from participants and their families during registration. You can also collect email addresses through your program’s website or social media channels. When collecting email addresses, be sure to ask for permission to send marketing emails and provide an option for recipients to opt out of future emails. By having a strong email list, you can create a competitive advantage over your opponents.


Types of Emails to Send

Several types of emails can be effective for youth sports programs. These include: 

Newsletters: A regular newsletter can be a great way to keep participants and families informed about program news, upcoming events, and other relevant information.

Event Invitations: Email invitations to upcoming events can help boost attendance and excitement.

Program Updates: Email updates can keep participants and their families informed about any changes to the program, such as schedule changes or weather-related cancellations.

Tips for Creating Effective Emails


When creating emails for your youth sports program, it’s important to keep in mind the following tips:

 Keep it brief: Most people receive a lot of emails, so it’s important to keep your emails short and to the point. 

Use clear and concise language: Use language that is easy to understand and avoid using jargon or technical terms.

Use visuals: Include images or videos in your emails to help grab recipients’ attention and convey your message.

Include calls-to-action: Encourage recipients to take action, such as registering for an event or visiting your program’s website.

Keywords: When people are searching for a specific email, they will often use a keyword if the email gets lost in all the junk, so it is good to have a wide variety that will help your email go to the top of the search and help implement SEO.


Examples of Successful Email Marketing Campaigns for Youth Sports Programs

 To see email marketing in action, look at some successful campaigns from youth sports programs. For example, a youth soccer program might send a monthly newsletter that includes updates on recent games and upcoming tournaments, as well as information on skill-building drills and nutrition tips. An email inviting families to attend a “family fun run” event might include a catchy subject line, fun graphics, and a clear call-to-action to register for the event. It is also good to incorporate backlinks and link-building in your emails. This will make it easier to navigate to another page or website. All these tips and tricks will create a better user experience.


Email marketing is versatile, fast, and EASY! If you use this tactic, chances are your business will bloom. 

IOI Insider

Top 5 Reasons To Go With A Pro To Build Out and Optimize Your Website

​​In today’s digital age, having a well-designed and functional website is crucial for any business or individual looking to establish a strong online presence. While there are various DIY website builders available, hiring a professional web developer or designer can make a world of difference. These are the top five reasons why you should consider hiring a professional (cough, cough, like IOI) to build your website.


  1. Customized and Unique Design:
    One of the main advantages of hiring a professional to build your website is the ability to have a customized and unique design. Professional web designers possess the knowledge and expertise to create visually appealing layouts that align with your brand identity. They can tailor the design to match your specific requirements, ensuring that your website stands out from the competition. With a distinctive design, you can create a memorable user experience that leaves a lasting impression on your visitors.
  2. User Experience Optimization:
    User experience (UX) plays a critical role in the success of any website. Professional web developers understand the principles of UX design and can create websites that are intuitive, easy to navigate, and user-friendly. They consider factors such as page load times, mobile responsiveness, and clear call-to-action buttons to enhance the overall experience for your site visitors. By providing a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience, you increase the chances of converting visitors into customers or clients.
  3. Technical Expertise and Functionality:
    Building a website involves more than just aesthetics. It requires technical expertise and knowledge of various programming languages, frameworks, and content management systems (CMS). Professional web developers possess the necessary skills to ensure that your website functions smoothly and efficiently. They can integrate advanced features and functionalities, such as e-commerce capabilities, database management, secure payment gateways, and interactive elements. A professional’s technical expertise ensures that your website is not only visually appealing but also fully functional.
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
    Having a beautiful website is pointless if it doesn’t rank well in search engine results. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial aspect of building a website that drives organic traffic. Professional web developers have a deep understanding of SEO best practices and can optimize your website’s structure, code, and content to improve its visibility in search engines. They can implement proper meta tags, headings, alt tags, and ensure that your website loads quickly. By hiring a professional, you increase the chances of your website being discovered by potential customers or clients.
  5. Time and Cost Efficiency:
    While it may seem tempting to save money by building a website yourself or using a DIY website builder, it can quickly become time-consuming and costly. Professionals have the experience and efficiency to create a website more quickly and effectively. They are aware of potential roadblocks and can troubleshoot issues efficiently, saving you time and frustration. Moreover, investing in a professional website from the start can save you money in the long run by avoiding costly redesigns or fixes that may be required with a DIY approach.


Hiring a professional to build your website offers numerous benefits that extend beyond just appearance. From custom design to enhanced user experience, technical expertise, SEO optimization, and time efficiency, professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to ensure that your website is a powerful tool for your business or personal brand. While there are costs associated with professional web development, the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial investment. So, when it comes to your online presence, entrust the task to a professional to create a website that leaves a lasting impression and helps you achieve your goals.


IOI Ventures is currently running a website promotion for sports organizations. CLICK HERE for more information.

IOI Insider

5 Steps for Onboarding a New Account Manager

As a business owner or manager, you know how important it is to have top-notch account managers to help you retain and grow your customer base. However, bringing a new account manager on board can be a daunting task. Proper onboarding is crucial to ensure that your new hire is able to hit the ground running and make a positive impact on your business. 

Here are five steps for onboarding a new account manager:


Introduce them to (and immerse them in) your company culture and values

The first step in onboarding a new account manager is to introduce them to your company culture and values. Share your company mission statement, core values, and business philosophy will help them understand what your business stands for and how they can best represent your brand to your clients. Including them in team lunches or happy hours, or even featuring them in a ‘Get to Know…’ session, can go a long way!


Train, equip, and encourage

To ensure your new account manager can successfully sell your products and services, it is crucial for them to possess in-depth knowledge about your offerings. They should be well-versed in the features, benefits, limitations, and potential issues associated with your products and services. Your new hire should feel confident in their ability to answer customer questions and provide solutions about your products and services. Providing them with ample training, necessary assets, accounts and information, and even a go-to mentoring colleague, will help them to work efficiently and effectively from the start.


Connect them with your clients

Introducing your new account manager to your current clients is a great way to help them build relationships and understand your customers’ needs. Schedule meetings or calls with key accounts and encourage your new hire to ask questions and take notes. This will help them gain valuable insights into your clients’ needs and how your products and services can help fill them. 


Define clear goals and expectations

Setting clear goals and expectations is critical for keeping your new hire on track. Define their position, duties, and performance measures, and create achievable goals that will assist them in understanding what is expected and provide a road map to success.


Provide ongoing support, assistance and feedback

Finally, it’s important to offer your new account manager help and feedback as they navigate their new landscape. Schedule regular check-ins to discuss their progress, provide constructive feedback, and offer support as needed. This will help them feel supported and valued, and will ultimately lead to better performance and job satisfaction.

Onboarding a new account manager is a critical process that requires careful planning and execution.You can guarantee that your new recruit will be set up for success and ready to make a good impact on your organization by following these five steps and personalizing them to your individual industry and company needs.

IOI Insider

Minutes of Movement = Hours of Energy

If you’re struggling to get some momentum in your day-to-day life, or if you find yourself continuing to reach for that extra cup of coffee in the morning to get a kick start, I highly recommend you try exercising in the morning!

Exercise, or any type of physical movement, for 20-30 minutes a day can provide significant benefits such as reduced stress, improved mental health, improved productivity and overall well-being!

Exercising in the morning can help increase blood flow to the brain, which can help improve cognitive function and focus. It can also help regulate your circadian rhythm, which can lead to better sleep at night and improved alertness during the day. Additionally, exercising in the morning can help reduce stress and increase energy levels, which can help you feel more productive throughout the day.

I am also a firm believer that if you start pouring into your own well-being first thing in the AM, everyone around you will also be better for it! If you show up for yourself, you can show up for your family, your job, even better for it. AND by blocking off time in the morning for physical movement, you may open up some time in the afternoon or evening when you would usually try to exercise! Utilizing even more of the 24 hours a day we are given.

If you are unable to get physical movement first thing in the morning, try a 20-30 minute walk during your lunch hour! Most of us tend to sit the majority of the day which doesn’t make anyone feel good. This can lead to bad posture, back and neck painand no one wants that! Let’s say you don’t have 20-30 minutes all at once, why not set a reminder every hour or so to get up and walk for just FIVE minutes? These tiny intentional movements all add up and I promise you, your work day, your family

As someone who has a passion for health and wellness, I’m not here to overwhelm you trying to get physical movement in as soon as you open your eyes each morning. But instead, being more intentional in how even 5,10,20,30 minutes of movement throughout the day can set yourself up for success. You will feel better about yourself, and when you start to, others will notice!

Try it out, maybe ditch that second cup of coffee and go for a five minute walk! Let us know how you feel. At IOI, we want you to be successful in all aspects of your life!

IOI Insider

IOI Ventures Reaches Gold Tier as a HubSpot Solutions Partner

Sarasota, Florida: Today, IOI Ventures announced that it reached the gold tier of HubSpot’s Solutions Partner Program. HubSpot, a leading CRM platform for scaling companies, works hand-in-hand with partner experts to grow their businesses through inbound software, services, and support.

The Solutions Partner Program is an ecosystem of experts that offer marketing, sales, customer service, web design, CRM, and IT services. It’s a global community that believes putting customers first is the key to growth. It enables members to offer a wide breadth of more sophisticated solutions across the entire customer experience.

To achieve status as a gold tier solutions partner, partners must work through HubSpot’s Academy Program to acquire the Partner Certification while maintaining a specific MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) threshold.


Over the past year, IOI Ventures has grown its business by incorporating inbound strategies to attract, engage, and delight customers. IOI utilizes HubSpot to align its marketing and sales teams to create a clear and smooth funnel for contacts to progress through from when they first submit a form through the completion of the deal. Notable milestones and achievements include:

  • Doubled employee numbers
  • Acquired another growing company
  • Nearly doubled our existing client base


About IOI Ventures:
IOI Ventures partners with small & medium-sized businesses that are looking to optimize their digital marketing efforts and scale their business. Our approach is unique. We connect the dots between marketing and sales with a focus on lead generation and revenue growth through digital marketing best practices.

IOI Insider

Double-Digit Increase in User Engagement Following Site Redesign

Mobile-Friendly Website Redesign Boosts User Experience and Increases Traffic for 200×85

200×85, a youth hockey organization, partnered with IOI Ventures to redesign their website in 2022. The objective was to create a new website that enhanced branding, drove leads and was mobile device responsive to provide a seamless user experience to users whether they were at home or at one of their events. In this case study, we will analyze the results of the website redesign project in terms of audience metrics and behavioral metrics.

Audience Metrics

The 200×85 audience was niche but has been growing over the years incrementally. Since the site redesign, the company has seen a 10.09% gain in users from Q1 2022 to Q1 2023. In addition to this pure volume gain, new users have grown 8.44% from Q1 2022 to Q1 2023, exemplifying that the website has been able to attract new visitors who were not previously aware of the company’s offerings.

Behavioral Metrics

The website redesign project has also positively impacted how users engage with the website. Visitors are exploring more pages and interacting with the content. Page views have increased by 12.33%, and the pages per session metric has increased by 12.25% from Q1 2022 to Q1 2023. These metrics show that the user experience seems to be improved, they’re finding the new site easy to navigate and the content more exciting.

Another important metric that reflects the success of the website redesign project is the increase in mobile users by 16.66%. This metric indicates that the new website is responsive and mobile-friendly, making it easier for the visitors to navigate through the website on their mobile devices. The increase in mobile users also shows that the website redesign project has been successful in providing a better user experience to the visitors.


The website redesign project has been a success for 200×85, and the key metrics analyzed in this case study prove that the site has increased the company’s online presence. The partnership between 200×85 and IOI Ventures has resulted in a website that is engaging, informative, and user-friendly.


Get in touch with our team to learn more about getting your website redesigned!

IOI Insider

Did your couch just become your office? Here’s a few tips for making the switch to remote

Recently, I made the decision to transition from an in-person office job to a fully-remote position. It was going to be my first time working a job that didn’t require me to be in a stuffy office every day, but I had no idea how the process actually worked. Commuting to my living room was definitely a culture shock in the first few weeks, but a handful of simple changes to my routine made the transition a lot smoother than expected.

If you’re currently hoping to leave behind your archaic corporate office but can’t see yourself working from home, here’s a few tips I learned that will help you ditch the cubicle.

One of the first things that struck me was the need to be self-motivated. However, having completed my master’s degree in a 100 percent online situation in college and being solely responsible for my department at my last position, I was confident in my ability to keep myself focused without leaving the comfort of my own home. One hack I use to stay on track is time blocking. This practice of working through tasks at a designated pace helps keep me focused and efficient throughout the day. To learn more about time blocking techniques, click here:

Another change I made to help me focus was to create separate logins and profiles on my laptop. Google Chrome has an incredibly useful feature which allows me to create multiple profiles on the same login. This keeps all of my information and bookmarks separate and also improves focus time by removing distractions from my browser interface. For an even greater level of separation, try a work/personal desktop on your laptop. Making this change will separate work and play mode and help keep you on track. For help on making the changes within Chrome, check out this article.

After my first week of staring at a small laptop screen and sitting hunched on a cheap office chair that wasn’t up for the task, my back and eyes were pleading for some upgrades. So, I added a much larger external monitor to my desk and  paid out for a far more comfortable and supportive chair. While these may cost you a bit up front, it’s worth it as the benefits down the line far outweigh the initial price.

Early in my time with IOI, before I was completely onboarded, I took the chance to dig into learning new technologies and softwares. More importantly, I haven’t stopped. I continue to read articles and take courses on the latest trends to help elevate my game (Hubspot Academy is a great place to start). Also, save yourself some time by subscribing to industry-relevant newsletters that deliver all the goods straight to your inbox. 

Armed with these few simple tricks, the switch from a daily commute and conference rooms to my home desk and video calls has been a breeze. With these in mind, you will set yourself up for success in the new modern working environment.

Get in touch with our team to learn more about setting yourself up for success in a fully-remote position!

IOI Insider

Clear is Kind

Recently I was interviewing a candidate for a position and we got to talking about standard operating procedures (SOPs). This candidate said something to me that shed new light on why having good SOP’s are essential for a growing business. “Clear is kind!”, she beamed. “When you are clear with me I can provide my best for you.”

If you are looking to grow your business at scale, embracing SOPs is an absolute must for success. Here are my top 5 reasons why:

Consistency and Efficiency: SOPs provide a clear and concise set of instructions for employees to follow, ensuring that tasks are completed consistently and efficiently. When everyone knows what is expected of them and how to accomplish their tasks, there is less room for error and miscommunication, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

Training and Onboarding: SOPs are an essential tool for training new employees and onboarding them into your company’s culture and processes. When you have a standardized set of procedures in place, it is easier to bring new employees up to speed quickly and ensure that they are following the same guidelines as the rest of the team.

Quality Control: SOPs are critical for maintaining quality control standards within your business. When everyone is following the same procedures, it is easier to identify potential issues and address them before they become significant problems. This ensures that your products or services are consistent and meet the expectations of your customers.

Scalability: SOPs are essential for business scalability. When your business is growing, it can be challenging to maintain consistent processes and procedures. By having standardized procedures in place, you can easily scale your business without sacrificing quality or efficiency.

Continuous Improvement: SOPs are living documents that should be updated regularly to reflect changes in processes, technology, or best practices. By regularly reviewing and updating your SOPs, you can identify areas for improvement and implement changes to optimize your business processes.

Currently, my favorite tool for creating SOPs effortlessly is www./

It’s a super easy Chrome plug-in that can make SOPs based off of what you are already doing on your computer. 

The bottom line is, utilizing Standard Operating Procedures is crucial for business growth and success. SOPs provide consistency, efficiency, training and onboarding, quality control, scalability, and continuous improvement. By implementing SOPs, you can streamline your business processes and set your company up for success. #worksmarternotharder

Get in touch with our team to learn more about utilizing SOP’s!

IOI Insider

Five Human Elements to Stand Out From the Rest

It’s no surprise marketers everywhere have leaned into the wide range of softwares and AI tools available today. Data and automation are such powerful pillars to lean on, but every once in a while we need to broaden our scope. Let’s zoom out a little bit, and do an audit on WHO we should be, HOW to create an ideal client experience, and WHEN to take a quick break from the numbers and shift our attention to the bigger picture.

Here are five human elements AI can’t bring to the table.  


1) Be present. Show up! When’s the last time you showed your face on a Zoom call, or took your client out to lunch? If you don’t prioritize your working relationship, they won’t either. There’s a trickle down effect with everything and if you put in the time, they will too. “I just feel like we need more pizazz in our posts” is a human conversation, and we should be there to have it. 


2) Be approachable. YOU teach people how to treat you. We are more in control of the information we receive than we think. “Our client seems happy, they haven’t said anything” is an easy thing to tell yourself. Or, “I can’t force them to be more honest than they’re willing to be.” But – are you approachable? If they give you truthful negative feedback, do you seem willing to receive it? Presenting a polished, professional front during your meetings is good – but being viewed as “one of them” is even better. Break down the barrier. If they’re not happy, you want them to seek you out for advice – not secretly Google other initiatives (or companies) behind your back.


3) Break from the routine. Throw some darts at the wall every few weeks. Did you see something interesting while scrolling Instagram? Have an interesting shower thought? Make sure these thoughts don’t fizzle out. Carve out some time for a brainstorming session during your check-ins, or toss an “anything goes” doc in the shared drive. It’s great to hit a stride and continue to do what works, but if you bury your head in your AI-driven marketing regimen, you may miss a simple TikTok trend that would give your client’s social media a breath of fresh air.


4) Provide human insights. There’s no reason to labor over things that technology does quicker, and frankly, better. Let Excel crunch the numbers, you can even let ChatGPT create a list of competitors. Instead, spend your time supplementing these services with meaningful feedback. “Here’s a chart showing your website traffic” is an AI insight. “Your clients shouldn’t be bouncing from the home page so quickly, I just don’t think the font feels inviting enough” is a human insight. 

5) Be honest. Brands don’t always know what’s best for them. It’s tempting to take on a client that wants 5k new Instagram followers, and is willing to pay for it. But, is that really where they should be focusing? AI might be able to create a social media growth plan, but we have the perspective and context to make tailored recommendations based on our experiences. “How to gain 5k followers in 6 months” is an AI prompt. However, saying “Your target market doesn’t use social media effectively and your new followers likely won’t convert to measurable sales” is a human recommendation. Or, since we’re “being honest” – “Your market is a bit boring for Instagram, let’s try Linkedin”. 


There’s no doubt that AI tools and data softwares have revolutionized the world of marketing. As users of these tools, we have the opportunity to shift our focus from “busy work” to providing a creative, insightful, and personalized experience to our clients. Let’s make sure we maximize that at all times. 

To put a bow on it – I asked AI to “create an infographic for a blog post about marketing tips and tricks”, and got this image below. Could it pass as a stock photo? Sure. But is it effective? Does it send a clear message? Is it useful for this blog post? Let a human decide.

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